Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Real Ingredients?

We have this bag of crisps hanging out on the kitchen table at the moment - every time the Wonderspouse walks past it he smiles!

What on earth is the alternative to making crisps from "real ingredients"? Fake ingredients? Virtual ingredients? Unreal ingredients?

The mind boggles!

As for today, it's been a heavy day of admin and work at my desk. I've also returned to strict eating (despite the crisps on the table, which, I hasten to add, are unopened) and the food diary (I put on 2lbs in the fortnight I took off it, but I did manage to get 100% in an assignment, get a new job, and drive round the country a couple of times taking in a concert on the way).

Once my brain was totally addled, I rebalanced it with a hefty session of viola practice! Can't beat that! :-)

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