The Chaos Bros

By vik

Swan Wars

Firstly an apology to those who kindly commented on my earlier post of the Cormorants. As I said I intended to take the boys to the Loch to see them after they finished school. Well, I did, they saw them, they ticked their bird book and were pleased as punch.

While we were still watching them, four swans came nearby and were circling and charging at each other with their wings up. This caught the boys interest immediately and after a few minutes turned into a full scale battle with them trying to assert their dominance. Two of them were seen off after about five minutes by the stronger ones and then had their own battle about 20 metres away but these 2 really went for each other. It was utterly spectacular and happening right in front of us. Talk about good timing!

The shots I took don't do it justice whatsoever, the boys weren't the only ones impressed by such a display. It was the talk of all the adults who witnessed it too.

More shots here

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