Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Where The People Are

This temporary art instalation is right outside the Parliment. I have no idea what the title, meaning or artist name is because I was too damn cold by the time I'd managed to find an angle that got all four parts of this piece to find out. (For those that wondered - the long exposure from last night meant that anything that didn't stay still would not be seen except car lights.)

I liked this as soon as I saw it but that's not the same as being able to put it over on film(pixels). The colour version is mainly blue with some brass highlights (don't think they are brass but that was the colour) so I went B&W and thought WTF let's go sepia.

For the first time for a while I recommend the larger version.

Got annoyed with BBC World again for mispronouncing Copenhagen [København], it is not like Danny kaye sings in the that bloody awfull musical. It is internationally known as Cope-en-hay-gen and locally pronounced Koob-en-houn(as in noun).

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