Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Scriti Politi

A band from my yoof but I don't honestly remember a single song however, they were Welsh, unlike Aqua and Dizzy Mizz Lizzy, ½ of Metalica... and... I think I'd better stop there. Being Famous in Denmark is frowned upon but famous Danes, when Danes are abroad, is a topic high on the list of icebreakers in conversations with strangers - really, try it with one you know. It won't be long before you hear HC Anderson, Viggo Mortensen, Helena Christensen, Lars Ulrich (that bloke from Metalica) etc, etc.

You could have got this if it hadn't been for the weirdest light trial I ever saw, this must be something to do with the buss' lights frequency but I thought it was interesting (and unrepeatable) enough to Blip.

[Two spotlights in a row, for a me, that's a big WOW and therefore a big "thank you" to all those who have bothered to look and feel there was something worth hitting the "comment" button for. I will return the favour.]

EDIT: Having thought Scriti Politi were Danish for the 9 years I have been here I started this entry. After publishing, it was pointed out to me that they were not, can't be bothered on a big rewrite if my little edit doesn't make sense.


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