My Life Is Not Average

By melamny


After yesterday's lack of motivation and general rubbishness, I woke up this morning feeling alive and inspired.

I had a dream last night where one of my friends died - bear with me - and this friend, well, he's really smart and he has lots of ideas and dreams, and he wants to be an astronaut. In the dream, while I was grieving, I thought about all his ideas, his plans, gone to waste, and it was horrible. But when I woke up I wasn't sad anymore (thankfully, he's still alive) because I realised that we can't let our dreams die.

Interestingly, a friend from New Zealand was visiting our church today and came back to my house for lunch, and he shared basically the same message with us at church and over lunch - don't let your dreams die, don't forget God's promises. God is a faithful God and if He's promised something, He's going to keep that promise.

zANY? is one of my dreams. It's my Sunday night youth meeting/Bible study, and although we currently have only 2-4 young people each week, I love to discuss things with them and watch them grow in faith and understanding. I don't have time for it, but since when did God call anybody to do anything who had all the resources?

The picture is of my coffee, with a pack of Uno in the background, at zANY? before the crowds arrived.

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