Rodents rule

By squirk

Second-last day

THe dismantling of the office is almost complete. At the end of the day, I noticed that the gallery was being dismantled. This is a pillar in the middle of the office that's been a scrapbook of our time overnthe past 10 years. I managed to snap this particular illustration before it was taken down.

A sad, sad day with 8 goodbyes and lots of tears. At 12, the concierge of our building was asked to change a lightbulb on my floor. As he stepped through the door, the whole company began clapping. Mr Z has been as much a part of our working lifes as any colleague. He's so cheery and helpful (and the best-dressed out of all of us), and we're so sad to leave him. He was completely overwhelmed by his surprise party and ran out to have a cry on the stairs in private.

Later on, we said goodbye to the receptionists, personnel, accounts and one of the managers of our department. This was a little more cheery and we all went for a good drink afterwards.

One more day to go... I'm going to act like Mum tomorrow and check if anyone's left their socks under their beds at the end of the day. There's bound to be something crucial that we've forgotten to pack up!

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