Rodents rule

By squirk

Farewell to Holborn

As I walked from the station to work this morning, I decided to blip St Andrew Holborn. I've never been into the church, though looking at the website it seems to be of TARDIS proportions! I love a good crypt. It's a good excuse to return to Holborn.

So, never again will I return to the office building that I've worked in for eight years. That's the longest time I've worked anywhere. My colleagues and I feel a bit strange, but not sad about leaving the building (the office hadn't been decorated in ten years - you can imagine the disrepair). We're sad that this small company of people is going to be fitted into a large corporate machine. We've got our swipe cards and our instructions for Monday. The new place has a post office team! And an IT team! And even a team of receptionists! I'm really hoping it's not going to be a 'too many cooks' situation; a 'How many people does it take to change a light bulb?' scenario. We're used to one person doing one thing, quickly. We're in for a culture shock. But the 35 of us are going to stick together and no one is going to mess with the new kids!

But the new office is beside a canal. I'm hoping there are ducks. I've never worked in a place where there are ducks nearby. I'm hoping for a crack at a stingdings shot. Here's hoping...

Off for an evening of free haggis and Scottish music. Happy Burns Night!


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