
By worldlens

Green Mangoes

Green mangoes are a popular snack here in Thailand. No, not a new type of fruit. They are a regular mango, just not yet ripe.

The green fruit is peeled then cut into pieces. Usually it's very sour, causing you to pucker as you eat it (and my mouth to water as I write this.) Most people dip their fruit chunks in a spicy sauce made with dried Thai chili peppers, sugar, salt, and other ingredients depending on your preference. Today we had a dry dip (right bottom) with the above mentioned ingredients plus chicken bullion-my favorite, and a wet sauce (right top) which included fish sauce, and other spices.

A student from the dorm brought back these mangoes from his village after a visit home last week. We all got quite excited when we saw the big bag of green mangoes he was carrying off the bus.

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