must try harder

By halfcj

Excuse me madam....

Go on, admit it. We've all had those embarrassing moments.

About 20 years ago I remember seeing Rowan Atkinson in a play and he entered the bathroom. When he came out, he had a string of toilet tissue hanging out the back of his trousers for the whole of the remainder of the scene. It was hilarious, more so because of the character he was playing.

Early in my career for a fortune 500 when I got my first 'management' position with a desk on the 8th floor (whoop whoop), on just my second day i was told to stand in for my boss who was away...I was needed on the 11th floor for a meeting with my division director. Lever-Arch files under arm, I sat for three hours outside his office. His PA was obviously in on the joke telling me he was busy but wouldn't be long. All the directors walking back and forth, smiling politely at me.

Eventually, one director whom I recognised but had not seen earlier in the day, on his way home presumably with coat on, brief case in hand, came over to me and asked:
"Waiting for Frank?"
"Yes Sir" I replied
"You'll have a long wait young man, he's in the Bahamas!" he informed me with a puzzled look on his face as he hurriedly pushed through the swing doors to the lifts.
"Thank you Sir" I called after him as politley as I could. Still the penny had not dropped. When I reached the 8th floor puzzled at how this mistake can have been made, the whole floor had turned out to applaud my patience. Whooping, hollering!
"I have a meeting with Frank" they all mocked, ruffling my hair as I made my way through the mob.

It makes me wonder, at what point do you approach a complete stranger to help them out in a moment of embarrassment? Who can honestly hold up their hand and say "immediately", in some sort defient or indignant retort? Not i. Is it an intrusion on their space, their dignity? Would it increase their embarrassment?
"Sorry to tell you this sir, you have spinach in your teeth."
"Excuse me madam, you need to blow your nose"
No, not I. Look the other way is what I do, and yet, we all say "Why didn't you tell me?"....don't we?
Maybe your best friend would mention it. Yes I'd tell my wife or my brother, but a complete stranger?

Well, this was my blip today, and apologies for the quality of shot in every way, composition (didn't want to reveal her identity), quality (taken in a big hurry so as not to be 'caught in the act'), colour (it was a miserable day) and focus (I had completely the wrong lens on).

There I was, having a Costa when this young girl walked by, coat ruffled up at the back and skirt clearly tucked in her woolly tights! Do I call out, do I catch her on the way back. For the five minutes she was in the supermarket, I wrestled with my conscience. I did catch her....on camera. (although it's not as noticeable as it was now on the other side of me as she walked away.)

Anyhow, I had visions of toilet tissue hanging under there obscured by her coat and thought to myself, I hope people tell me next time.

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