Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Stir Crazy

What on earth is it! Just a bit of fun playing around during a very , very wet afternoon.
We did get all togged up in our wateproofs and take our very energetic collie, Oscar , for a long walk down by the river which is in full spate with torrents of peaty water coming down of the hill. I thought about going back later for a blip and I might have done but the rain was unrelenting.

Back home I put the camera on gorilla tripod ( at least I think that's what it's called ) and because I was wearing waterproofs already running with water I got right down to ground level and got a shot of the snowdrops under the rhody bush. Nice shot , worth a blip upload. That's fine , thought I, job done for today.

Later while I was preparing soup I was quite taken with the centre of one of the items I was using for the soup, loved the heart shaped centre. So downed chopping tools, set up the angle poise light and a suitably coloured scarf as backdrop, photographed said veg. Then on with the soup making , which did make a delicious supper by the way.

Time for processing the shots, the snowdrops worked a treat well you can't really fail with these lovely liite flowers , can you? However I was still quite taken with the outome of the veg shot as it was a quirky little image and had a play around with the radial blur tool on the background and this is the final result.

Definitely stir crazy and need to get back to my long walks up the hills, planninga climb up the Cobbler soon , need to clear the craziness which does stuff like this, longing for a good big scenery shot.

By the way have you guessed what this is yet?
Regards Mary

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