Butter wouldnt melt

16 months 3 days

Who'd have thought this darling, smile-filled beauty would have been up for nearly four hours, before curling round my neck to fall fast asleep as if nothing had happened.

We went out for a walk this morning and as we set off she was on the look out for cats. She wasnt totally impressed that it took a while to find one! When we got back to the car she suddenly decided she HAD to eat, and troughed a banana and sandwich in speedy time. Midday-ish she began to flag, so I put her into the cot, and went to attempt to have a rest myself. Only, after not very minutes, she got up and put her mobile on, and was flicking through the songs. Not much later, she started chattering to her toys and then singing. I could then hear her rummaging around. She definitely wasn't going to sleep! I went in to her and she was sat with her blanket in front of her face, playing peekaboo to her rabbit.

This afternoon she had her first dentists appointment - not fantastic timing given how badly her teeth are bothering her. She was having fun playing before the appointment, she was trying to post things back out through the letterbox of the door. In the dentists, she sat on my knee in the chair and refused point blank to let the dentist anywhere near her and wouldnt let me anywhere near her mouth. He managed to see long enough to establish how many there were, which I could have told him. But it all went by with no tears, so it was a positive first visit! And she got a sticker.

We went to the shop afterwards and she walked there and back. When we got home, she snuggled up. I realised where this was all going. Yup, at 3.45 she fell asleep. I managed to waken her at 4.30, although she wasn't too amused and it took milk to convince her at all. She really enjoyed her tea, tomato pasta twirls and sweetcorn, comfort food for Katie. followed by a good bowl of rice pudding.

Having only slept 45 minutes, she did ok and still went down not long after 7, only half an hour later than normal, but we'll see how that pans out this evening!

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