The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Return of the Mac

Oh My God...(that's the next line of the my title).

And it kind of sums up my day. I've spent today battling with my MacBook, trying to get it to do things I *know* it can do. I know it. The MacBook knows it. Steve Jobs knows it. Just can't quite get it figured out in my ditsy head.

You know, I love my Mac. I'd wanted one for ages and when it finally came it was like, like when you get to be friends with someone in the year above you at school - someone really cool and funny. You know, the type of person that you know just being in their company is going to make you inherently cooler by proxy. The type that has the best clothes and knows all the coolest music and gets served drink (even though they're only 15).

Unfortunately, being friends with the cool kid just highlights the disparity between you and cool. You just end up feeling more like a bumpkin than ever. And that is where I am at.* I reckon if I don't get it sussed by next week I'm going to get some straw to chew on and start wearing dungarees and checked shirts.

*I think my angst today may be influenced by dozens of teenagers having witnessed me battling with the Mac. They felt my pain and like totally get me, you know?

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