Niall Today

By niallToday

Diet Starts Tomorrow

Since getting back from Nepal at the weekend I have been ravenous. Guess its because now, for the first time in 3 weeks, I CAN actually eat. No bathroom emergencies.

Unfortunately, I am still nodding off about 7pm and waking up at 2am! After a few hours watching sign language TV I headed off to Tescos at 4am with the munchies. Thought I would treat myself to a Tesco Finest meal for 2 deal. It was yumm. Also had a whole dish of mash potato. Again..yumm.

Watched Bear Grylls during my feast. That guy is NUTS. <skip this paragraph Mary!!> He cut open a dead seal to eat the maggots within and waded into a bog to retrieve a dead sheep. Not only did he skin it and use it as a sleeping bag but he also ate its heart RAW. Tescos mate, Tescos!

"Good news for you Mr Grylls....its a boy"
"Oh doctor, thats marvellous"
"What shall we call him dearest? Tony, after my father, or maybe Alan after yours?"
"Could do, could do, but what about...'BEAR' after..err..Paddington?"

I mean, seriously, who calls their kid BEAR!!?

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