Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Different Strokes for Different Folks

The more I get sucked into the blipfoto world, the more I notice the reasons people were drawn to it themselves.
Some are trying to improve their photography skills, wanting a little pressure to make them use their camera more often. Others just want a creative voice, or are simply trying to promote something else in their lives based around the medium of photography.

My love affair with the blip is purely selfish. I want to record the daily goings on in my life for myself, and feel genuine excitement at the thought of trawling back through these blips in future years with nostalgic joy (or pain).
There's also a definite blog aspect to my blips, for the handful of friends and family who, for reasons unknown, take an absurd interest in what's going on in my life.

And so for the reasons above, todays blip is of a couple of guys sat in a bar.
I took a few pictures today that i really liked. But they were simply technically good pictures of random objects.
This evening though, I spent my last Friday night in Gwangju for the forseeable future with two of the nicest male humans you are ever likely to meet.
They are more than aware of my blip obsession, and so grabbed my camera whilst I was in the toilet and took this masterpiece.

And so I express my thanks to Whit and Dan tonight, for both the conversation and this picture. But mostly for the memories, because nothing is more precious.

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