Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Heart Of the Diamond

Yep, this is the National Library again, AKA "The Black Diamond". It is an impressive building but it is bolted shamelessly onto the very charming old library. I keep trying to find ways to do this injustice justice but have failed so far. The left side is the full building that you have seen a few times before, the right side is only about 5 meters wide before the old building starts. These bridges basically link the old and the new. Over all the Danes are not too stuck up on tradition and are willing to give most things a go until common sense shows through (usually in time - but not always). It does mean that there are not many places where row upon row of Wimpey Homes kill the landscapes and greenbelts of this tiny land.

I like that it seems to be an information centre in the middle of the bridge, kind of says something about the whole concept I think.

Is it bragging when the spotlight still seems a little bit unusual and I have had three in a row, I am rather bloody chuffed as one who still thinks himself a rank amateur, especially considering what else is in there - Thanks all.

Rob T.

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