
By middleman


I'm by myself. Left to my own devices for two, nearly three whole days. My family have taken the train down south to visit grandparents and it's just me in the house. So far so OK - I've swam, taken photographs and attempted a cinema visit (except the voucher for 'free' admission I had didn't mention it was only for the first 30 people, cheers for that BAFTA) - pretty much my normal activities then, just a bit more so, and with more peace and quiet. I may have a beer later and listen to some records, watch some TV, go crazy, live a bit, really kick back and let loose.

Musically, I've been a bit light today, mostly listening to some Moritz Von Oswald Trio stuff. A friend of mine (Trev From Dev) saw them in Bristol last weekend with Demdike Stare and Actress on the same bill, sounded like pretty much a dream line-up to me. He probably got to listen to some fabulous tracks like this one, the lucky south-west dweller that he is.

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