
By sb

Rocky misses Dad

Rocky, an 8-year-old Dalmation, missed his best friend my dad so much that he just wouldn't eat any thing for many days. Rocky saw his owner being taken away in a hearse van and waited for his return ,he must have thought that this was one of his friends usual visits to the hospital .when he woke up the next day and found that his master wasn't rocking on his chair as usual he must have been shocked. Dad and Rocky were the best of friends and were inseparable, and Rocky helped dad get his news paper, and fetch his walking stick. Sometimes when dad was weak he even used to help him onto the sofa.
Even after a week, rocky waits at the gate every day and today when the hearse van came back into the locality to take away an old lady Rocky chased the van??.and when he did not find his master returned to me sadly?..will he ever understand?

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