Me, My Camera & I

By notgraham


I have spent a frustrating day configuring a new laptop. A Sony of all things. Not my usual fare, but the client asked for it, so the client got it.
It took an afternoon to remove all the trial software, then further time to remove McAfee - only being relieved of this after using a special Mcafee tool to do so. All is good now with it singing along nicely.

Oh well - my impression of Sony as a PC manufacturer remains unchanged. That's 5 years its never been held in high regard with me.

S finished her studying for the afternoon and wanted out of the house. We headed out for a walk along the Union Canal and then back to Loudon's Cafe for some caffination and a sit.
The cakes did look nice, but at 3pm on a sunday they did look a bit dried out and pricey - probably really for the bankers who work along the road during the week - the coffee was however supremely nice.

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