Today on my 75th birthday (a year older and "notabit" wiser) I decided to blip for the coming year. 75 does seem to deserve more attention than other years. Hope I'm not distracting myself with yet another photo project, but here goes! 
I'm a dslr and smartphone photographer

Today on my 75th birthday (a year older and "notabit" wiser) I decided to blip for the coming year. 75 does seem to deserve more attention than other years. Hope I'm not distracting myself with yet another photo project, but here goes! 
I'm a dslr and smartphone photographer and my blips here are primarily for the purpose of keeping a journal. Journaling what I ask myself - perhaps the place where my life and my photography meet, sort of an interface. My flickr account is more just photos.  
~July 2015

I have just created a website for some of my photos and other projects. When traveling I hope to post a blog with a travel diary and photos on it as well.
~February 2016

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