I've been in the computer field since 1968 and I've been all over it .... applications programming, systems programming, applications design, MIS management, IT consulting, etc. I now run a consulting business with the best partner I could have, my son.

I've always lived on the East

I've been in the computer field since 1968 and I've been all over it .... applications programming, systems programming, applications design, MIS management, IT consulting, etc. I now run a consulting business with the best partner I could have, my son.

I've always lived on the East Coast of the USA: Boston and Newburyport Massachusetts, Stamford Connecticut, several places in New York and now, North Carolina.

I am happy to have lived in North Caroina since 1993 and this is where I will remain.

Thankfully, computers have merged with my passion, photography, Now, with the digitial age being middle-aged I am having a ball with photography and computers.

I hope one day I will have more time for my passion, photography.

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