Sadoslados is a group of close friends who believe life is about fun, trust, enjoyment and the never ending quest for laldy. While we are a core small group discovered while debating the merits of washing powder our fundamental premise is inclusiveness around the concept of laldy.( if yer Scottish y Read more...

Sadoslados is a group of close friends who believe life is about fun, trust, enjoyment and the never ending quest for laldy. While we are a core small group discovered while debating the merits of washing powder our fundamental premise is inclusiveness around the concept of laldy.( if yer Scottish ye'll ken whit this means.. If yer no ye need tae google it and send me a message tae let me ken ye've got the hang o it). In this respect we are keen to get as many people in the world tae gie it laldy because we know from our own experience it is undoubtedly the best thing that anyone can do. See ma online presence on Facebook twitter Pinterest blogger and at

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