Kaylan Marie. Human, maybe.

21. Penn State. I like England, coffee & tea, boys, dancing, Lord of the Rings, chocolate, Pointe, old friends, new friends, animals, photography, conflict resolution, Jimmy Eat World, a good book, LOVE, and the sky. I don't like exams, insomnia, zombies, eati Read more...

Kaylan Marie. Human, maybe.

21. Penn State. I like England, coffee & tea, boys, dancing, Lord of the Rings, chocolate, Pointe, old friends, new friends, animals, photography, conflict resolution, Jimmy Eat World, a good book, LOVE, and the sky. I don't like exams, insomnia, zombies, eating meat, car accidents, George W. Bush, being cold, earthworms, horror films, darkness, canceled concerts, HATE, or heartbreak.

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