ijil Rainbow Hawk Giver

By ijilRHG

Two Crosses

Two Crosses in Trinity Church courtyard/graveyard
500 Court Street, Portsmouth, Virginia
circa 1900s

Here is my find of the day in my Urban Lettering Project & Topography Quest near the Tidewater Community College | Visual Arts Center | 340 High Street.

One face of these stone crosses is set in a sans serif typeface - the IHC.
The other face is a symbol -- the P and the X -- two letters (CHI-RHO) came together to create an early logo of sorts, which originated in the Church, during the Roman period.

The thing I found curious in the first face is the IHC. Now I have come to recognize IHS -- in his service -- but I have not noticed IHC. My best guess would be that this might mean -- in his care. But do not yet quote me on that one -- it is just a guess.

For those of you more familiar with celtic crosses in Scotland, and maybe there are even a few in the UK, but this a poor, simplified and stylized replica of that heavily symbolize and marvelous to see Celtic Crosses of the olde cemeteries.

Other urban topography & lettering photos in this series:

In Olde Towne Portsmouth, Virginia
All Saints Chapel : 500 Court Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Historical Placard Q 8A : 500 Court Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
1763 Grave Marker : 500 Court Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
FOOTE Memorial Stone : 500 Court Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Two Crosses : 500 Court Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Bangel Law Building : 505 Court Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Portsmouth Public Library : 606 Court Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Pythian Castle : 600-612 Court Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Chapman Building : 310 High Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Coffee House Facade : 300 High Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Towne Bank Building : 200 High Street, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA

In downtown Norfolk, Virginia
Martin Building : 300 Granby Street, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
Velvet Lounge : 332 Granby Street, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
Madison Hotel : 345 Granby Street, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
The Fontaine Room : 345 Granby Street, Norfolk, Virginia, USA

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