Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Buskers in Hexham

Took Mum into Hexham shopping this morning. We had a great time and both bought clothes in the sale.

After lunch we walked through the centre of town. We heard these buskers first due to the loud drumming. In the shoe shop opposite the assistants were hoping that the lads would take a break for lunch soon!

I asked if I could take a photo - had not response so went ahead and then contributed to their pot. I was intrigued by the boxes used by the drummers. I noticed the DG De Gregorio on one. Further investigation led me to Cajon de Gregorio where the history of these "drums" is explained. The lads were certainly producing some complicated rhythms between them but I don't know if these were Peruvian or not.

I think that the guitarist, and possibly the others, is in Thieving Herer, a band who will be entertaining cinema goers in Hexham on Friday evening prior to the showing of the main film.

Had a great evening listening to Alexander McCall Smith - what a dry and witty sense of humour. All in all, a very pleasant day.

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