jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Better mood today. Still no money, but a better day. Somehow!

We moved, wholesale, into Ben's room last night. His cotbed and our bed. That's it now, that's the move done, we can start working on the front bedroom now! Ben's room still isn't finished, we've still got to paint the ceiling and the door and a couple of other bits need final coats, but it's the nicest room in the house.

The reason for the move was that the sash window people were due in today to take all the existing putty beading off and replace it with wooden beading that wouldn't crack as the double glazing expanded and contracted in the extremes of temperatures we get on the front of the house. They've been and done the ground floor today; the upper floor will get finished tomorrow.

So in between moving and tidying last night I made cakes for this morning's toddler group. Iced them this morning, let the window men in, gave them keys, managed to finish cakes just in time to rush off via the shops for milk and biscuits. Tots was lovely, very civilised this morning! The lady supposed to be doing teas and coffees wasn't there this morning (looking after ill people :( at home) so Amy and I got things going. I managed to slice my hand on a freshly chipped cup, so had a princess plaster on for the rest of the morning. Didn't feel a thing, didn't hurt at all, was just bleeding! Stung a bit when I cleaned it up when we got home, but other than that hasn't hurt at all.

Cakes went down so well that I felt an urge to make some more this afternoon. I had a load of icing to use up anyway, it would have been a shame to waste it. Then a quick round trip to the bank to drop off signed loan forms and Ben thankfully fell asleep on the way and complained when we got home that he wanted more sleep - so he did. Lots. Over two hours he slept today, obviously catching up on the past few days.

Off out to a farewell party for Mini IQ, they folded a few days ago sadly - they had an amazing range of books, I was looking forward to many more years of being able to get things from them. I wonder who is going to fill in the gap.

See you all later :)

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