In Tru Life

By TruLife

A New Clip On Seat!

Floriana has a new clip on seat so sitting at the dining table in the living room is even easier and saves lugging the highchair through from the kitchen at every mealtime! It just arrived today along with a mat for underneath since we have carpet in the living room (and a new super-safe-side-impact-iso-fix-car-seat)! Our old mat was 8 years old and very tatty and torn! Today Flori decided this new mat needed christened and chucked most of her lunch and dinner onto it, even though she seemed pretty comfortable and happy in her new chair! I didn't know what had knocked her appetite off today until I rubbed anbesol onto her gums this evening at bedtime and discovered a molar/premolar had cut through and was feeling very sharp! She had been extremely moany today so this is why no doubt! I'd better get that amber necklace back on!

I've been getting my Greatvine profile page sorted out and updating it and hoping it sounds sympathetic and welcoming, and not patronising or superior. I have asked the website owner put my price down too and am hoping to get some calls once that happens! I have uploaded some ebooks too and that's supposed to generate interest. I have also finally after about 8 months updated my Twitter status and am going to make a Facebook page for the business too. I am hoping all this will generate interest and just get my name out there. You never know! I've also been chatting with a woman who's making a Living TV series focussing on women empowering and supporting each other to get over life's problems, make big decisions and solve issues they have with career, style, family, parenting. I am hoping to be involved but only if they can find women with parenting issues! They have career girls coming out their ears so if anyone knows anyone who'd like a luxury relaxing break for 4 days to sort out any parenting issues they have, point them in my direction.

I had CBT today which I've been having for my ADHD. Michael was terrific as always and we made a plan for what to focus on and talked about how much better I feel now. All good!

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