Nicole's odd life

By oddlife


Bit of a grey day. Tried to dry washing outside yesterday, but it wasn't dry by bedtime so just left it out. It's been a pretty sun-less day. Cold and lacking in colour.

So I suspect the washing is still wet. I don't like leaving it out there. I don't like other people getting to see my pants. I am quite paranoid that someone will point and laugh at them, pinch them and dance about the street in them.

Had to go to the home that I have a job with to do a different disclosure since it's all changed and they're behind. They aren't the most organised of places. I have also had to chase my references cause they've not got them yet. I want to actually WORK! Hurry up referees...pleeeeeeease!

Roast Chicken for tea, as it is Sunday (in our world) so off to do that in a bit.

Found a pretty song today - Pictures - by Benjamin Francis Leftwich. Yes, he does has a pretentious name. I do like the song though. Have also just found him on Spotify, some lovely music there.

This is somewhere near the Police College in Tulliallan. Grey and a bit my day.

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