
By middleman


There's a blip I've been trying to get for a while now that just won't come off to my satisfaction. It's actually starting to bug me now how I can post images that I am perfectly happy with day after day but this one specific subject in this one specific location is eluding me completely. I must have taken it a dozen times and every time I umm and aah until deciding that it's just not right. One day it will come out exactly as I see it - crisp, punchy, composition to my liking and all the technical bits and bobs in accordance with my tastes. But not today, no, summat grey, weather-beaten and generally miserable from the centre of town instead.

Busy day, not much time for photos or music. I'll leave you with some crackly, hissy, clicky slow dub shenanigans from Stefan Betke AKA Pole. Perfect for bedtime.

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