
One of them bits and bobs kind of days. Slow, groggy start having stayed up far too late last night watching tele. I don't watch a lot of the stuff but when BBC4 stick on their late-night music documentaries I find it pretty hard to resist. Especially when things like The Joy Of Disco were so, well, joyous. You've got six days and summat to catch up. Well recommended.

Conesquently I've had stuff like this in my head for most of the day and if my family have to endure me crooning 'woman, take me in your arms' whilst doing the dishes one more time I think there may be repercussions. They should be glad, it's a change from 'liver sausage sandwich and cheese' anyway.

Disco inclinations have been tempered however by the lovely new album from Peter Broderick. A few listens, standout track so far seems to be this one.

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