a town called E.

By Eej

Healing Power ...

... of the Feline Kind.

I heard so many good things about feline nurses from the lovely Be, that I figured I'd try it myself. Not altogether voluntarily, but seeing how I woke up with a severe case of vertigo *youspinmeroundroundbabyroundround* followed by a bad, bad headache, a nurse seemed just the thing. So, I broke our strict *cough*yeahright*cough* "no-cats-in-the-bedroom" rule.

Here Harley is sending me healing vibes through mind- and pawcontrol.


And whaddayaknow? I'm feeling better.
Let's pretend that has nothing to do with the painkillers and decongestants I took, but is all her doing, 'kay?

ps. I know I think it a lot, but I don't say it often enough: I <3 my 50mm lens so hard. I did nothing but a bit of vignetting, the rest was all done for me :)

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