Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Adventures in Dish Washing... to make Pac Man out of a fruit salad.

A few days ago the dishwasher blew up in an acrid cloud of smoke. Now I didn't marry a guy with a Masters in Electronic Engineering and Systems Management for nothing. Over the years Bob has saved us a couple of grand by fixing everything from showers to tumble-driers to garden fountains. The dishwasher has already been fixed by him once but at fifteen years old even his extraordinary powers of gadget-resuscitation couldn't save it. Well they probably could but the bit he needs costs almost as much as a new dishwasher so it's RIP my little Bosch will be missed.

Well the weather is crapper than a crap thing again. We seem to be doomed to perpetual winter at the moment. It's cold and revolting and when I took the dog out he wanted to come home after 200 yards and I couldn't blame him. I have now accepted that I will never be one of those photographers who clads themselves in all weather gear to lug a tripod half way up a mountain before dawn to capture a sunrise. Hats off to those of you who do this regularly. Nope I am a fair weather landscape photographer...which is rather unfortunate given that I live in cold and gloomy England.

So today you get...<pauses for effect> Pac Man in fruit! I was making a fruit salad and the lemon slice whispered, 'I am Pac fruit form. Blip me!' I've had these voices in my head before. Last time it was my iPod. I may need treatment. Anyway, you'll just have to pretend it's a glorious landscape at sunrise.

And as the weather forecast looks no better for tomorrow it doesn't look like you're going to get a glorious landscape for my 365th either. Maybe I'll do Space peas.

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