
I got up at 8.30 this morning to go and see B's sister off. She's taken advantage of the chance for Canterbury University students to go and study in Adelaide for four months. Sad to see her go, but such an amazing opportunity for her to live in another city and continue her studies uninterrupted.

Then back home for some chilling time. Lenci (Cousteau's sister) came to hang with us. I had some food and then did a bit of cleaning and tidying. With three extra bodies staying at my house, things seem to get dirty and messy a whole lot quicker.

This butterfly had been mauled by Pio, earlier today. It was clinging onto life, and my finger. Eventually, it flew off. I don't know how long it will survive, but I admired its tenacity.

Rae came home and we took the dogs for a walk in the park between downpours. She's feeling a little crook (coldy) and so wrapped up warm. The good news of the day is that her house has been given the all-clear (I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to live in it!). She's leaving here on Wednesday.

Then off to pick B up from making Mini-loos, which are really going to help with the potential spread of Gastroenteritis in the earthquake stricken suburbs. There are supposedly a whole heap of port-a-loos, but many don't have access to them and it is better for them to have their own loo if possible.

Home now to a cold beer and a roast dinner, which Rae is cooking for us. No idea how many people we'll have here for tea, but time to feed the two dogs now. I'm getting 'the look'.

Back to work tomorrow. I hope it all goes smoothly.

And so life goes on.

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