mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Baby Grow

We weren't going to buy any clothes for the baby before it was born. Two reasons for this: we don't know the sex of the baby and we have loads of white baby things from when Aidan was little. I couldn't resist though and I thought it'd be nice to have one wee thing that was 'just' for this baby.

My work issue from last week still isn't quite resolved. The woman in HR that was dealing with it is on holiday this week. Her colleague has picked it up but not sure how long this will rumble on. Very annoying.

Aidan officially moved into the Tweenies room at nursery today. The only downside is that they can't give him his dinner in the Tweenies room. They gave him his dinner in the baby room today but from now on we'll need to give him dinner at home. A little bit of getting used to for Aidan I think. He normally has dinner (whether at home or at nursery) at 5/5.30pm. Unfortunately we normally pick Aidan up from nursery between 5.45/6pm so by the time we get home he won't be having dinner till 6.15/6.30pm. Hope he will manage with this...we'll find out tomorrow I suppose!

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