No Escape

Immediately after the exam. The lights are out all over this place.

1. I felt good about my performance on the exam. There's only one questions that's really gnawing at my brain. That's not too shabby. (Answer your question, Jason Shore?)

2. Angel hair pasta for breakfast at 7am. Bumblebee, cochlea, and I were carbo loading for the exam at 9. Brilliant.

3. Just the feeling of walking out of the exam this morning was the feeling of relief. We have a veritable weekend on our hands... To be continued in #5.

4. Darling just texted me and asked if my mail had arrived yet. That's my favorite question that he asks me. I don't know what is/will be waiting for me after this dreadfully long and boring class, but I'm brimming with anticipation.

5. Tonight at 11:30pm, I get to pick up Darling from DFW! We've got a weekend packed with activities with his friends and my friends. And there's no impending studying I need to do this weekend. I can enjoy mimosas at brunch and cheer on the beau as he runs the St. Patrick's Day 5K on Saturday.

Might not be blipping again until Sunday or Monday. Until then, have the best week ever, Bliplandia!

Well, I saw the image uploaded from my iPhone and I didn't think it was all that spectacular, so I smoothed it out in Lightroom... but then I saw all the comments it got for the effect of the grain and whatnot. So here's my altered version.
Which one do y'all like better?

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