Coffee & Tease

By miznico

Quick classic

Like I said yesterday, I'm spending the day with a friend. Friends, technically, beloved and her Love. I've quickly came home before heading to theirs for a games evening - and I'm gonna need plenty of caffeine! I'm exhausted, and even though I was weaning myself off, I HAD to pick up some energy drink today. I blame the cold as well as the withdrawal, it's really kicked my ass and I had been doing well (9 days!) before today. Oh well, start again tomorrow.

So, onto the make up. I was watching a documentary last night, Marilyn, The Last Sessions. If you're in the UK like me, I suggest watching it on 4OD, it was excellent and heart breaking in equal measure. Today, I decided to channel the classic pin up look she was famous for. Natural yet polished with a clean lined sweep. I used the light colour I usually use for a highlight on on my lid, then a medium brown swept from outer to inner on the crease. I blended it up until I got the shape I wanted, then used a slightly darker brown (almost burgundy) to dot a little colour onto the outer part of the crease, then blended that too. I highlighted up to my brow, softening harsh lines and padded a little extra on my lid. I lined my lid, curled my upper lashes and swept on mascara on my upper and lower lashes.

Done in about 10 mins. (including face and lips, not really shown :P)

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