Baby Box

It was my last day at work today and my colleagues got me a big box of baby things. I felt bad as it was only 18 months ago that I got my last baby box.

I had a nice lunch with my team at Pizza Express today. The service wasn't great but the food was nice :)

Mr Mono was off work today laying the new flooring in Aidan's new room. With help from Uncle C they managed to get it all finished. Just the papering and the 'move' to do. We'll need to choose wallpaper first!

Aidan was in a brilliant mood tonight and was lots of fun. Much better than last night! He hasn't been doing well with not having dinner at nursery. Total melt down at nights and refusing to eat anything. Anyway now that I'm finished work I will just pick him up earlier so he can have dinner at a decent time and hopefully it won't be an issue anymore.

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