Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

Welcome to burlesque ...

Ooooo, hair, make - up, dressing up & pics! Heaven for me!

Went round my friend Fay's, polished off a couple of bottles & took some pics in practise for the up & coming burlesque night & i'm pretty happy with the results! Lighting wasn't the easiest but we got there in the end!

Fay's lovely daughter Miss A sang 'Adele - someone like you' OMG she's 11 and has THE most amazing voice! Stunning, I was truly blown away!

Other news ... Big K came home today with the schools Ofsted report, I was well briefed and prepared as it'd been sent home yesterday but he hadn't been at school! What an uproar it has caused! I am devastated by the results & the only saving grace is that big K leaves in July! I'm looking forward to the meeting being held next week!

Well, I'm shattered and my bed is calling ... I'm hoping hubby will give me a good foot rub tonight, it's been a long day! G'night x

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