Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Oily swirly patterns

Posting early today so I can concentrate on work. Post-brekky, a while-away viewing of Mark Walberg in The Happening, recorded from TV last night. My fault, I must admit. It was all a bit nuts, really -- quite a schocker to begin with, but quickly downhill after that, both in terms of plot and acting.

Anyway, after that it was time to make my way home, stopping off on the way for a bit of a blip wander around the harbour and the marina at Dún Laoghaire. An oily spillage at the marina turned itno today's blip, but not before a bit of processing playing-about got me to the stage of almost posting Mr Coffee instead. Still, it's been a while since I did an abstract jobbie (not to mention a sneaky SP), so here ya go.

Time for work now. I'll actually be on top of things with the quarterly magazine by the end of the day. A final batch of material is due from the client tomorrow, so should be ready to go to print on Tuesday. I sure hope so, since the last thing I need is work distractions on Wednesday, which is when I see the urologist again and get my prostate biopsy results.

Yesterday back-blipped.

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