
Thirsty. Dehydrated. Desiccated. Shriveled. Withered. Baked. Burned. Scorched.


My poor little African Violet. She was so much prettier back in January when my Grandmother sent her to me for my birthday and in February when I blipped her. Try as I could, I was unable to keep her watered enough. I bought two more African Violets and one has already succumbed to a similar fate. I'm trying to a new watering technique though. If I can keep an orchid alive, I can keep an African Violet alive, right?

I've been talking about plants too much, I fear.

This week's agenda: a hell of a lot of Reproductive anatomy, cramming for Endocrinology, boot camp every night.... and free Chick Fil A for breakfast!

I'd also like to nap periodically. And, at some point this week, I want to watch The Fall on Netflix Instant. It's queued up and ready to go.

End boring blip here.

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