Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Time to Reflect

It seems today that perhaps the world has gone on around me for a while now, and I haven't really taken part. This shot is taken 'down the beck' as we used to say, at a point where a public footpath cross a small stream. We used to play down here as kids, drink as teenagers and now visit as adults. It's changed a bit with a new bridge and different fences, but when theres no sound but the birds and maybe a really distant whirring engine its the same as ever.

I took time there to think about the situation as it stands. In myself today I feel loads better although still a little tired. However the gravity of the siutation hit me: and I don't mean the previous weeks episode. As I sat there I realised a lot of the things I get down about are my own fault. After all the fact is that I did email Hobbs from my work account and most of the people who's absence makes me sad are absent because of my actions.

I want to tell you a story about a guy I know. He met his first girlfriend when he was 21, and they were together for a year. After a year he met another girl on a night away from home that he insisted his girlfriend couldn't go on. He dumped his girl and started seeing the one that lived away. Eventually she broke his heart so he went straight home and got back with the first girl.

He stayed with her for eight years, showing minimum affection. Then he managed to meet another girl whom he once again cheated with. He dumped the girl of eight years and just left for his new piece. Within A MONTH of meeting her a younger, prettier model just turned 16 showed him some attention so off he went again leaving another girl shattered.

Would you want him as your friend? Or would you need to see that in the three years since the consequences of his actions have weighed him down daily?

I feel tomorrow that I may be in the frame of mind to make a return to the usual entry: Poorly thought out photo followed by nineteen paragraphs of mindless moaning about celebrity culture.

Heres a taster: Jordan is a t**t

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