
I am the only person in the whole world, of my age, who hasn't seen Dirty Dancing all of the way through. There were looks ranging from surprise to almost abject horror when I made this confession to my friends this evening! I know all of the music, and I know this line from the film, but I know not of the context of the line, or the general plot of the film. I'm not sure whether I should be disappointed in myself, or just accept that I am really just not cool enough to go out and mix with other people any more!

Had a lovely evening with friends to celebrate a milestone birthday for one of the group. A lovely young woman who I would be utterly lost without at work, and after many years of her putting up with my disorganised way, she still invites me out and seems to like me. Result! I hope she enjoys the rest of her evening - I had to come away because I was getting too tired to drive home.

In other news - I have made a big decision.

We will see what comes of it. If nothing, it will not be mentioned. If something, you can bet it will!

For now, a large glass of wine and hopefully my husband will rub my feet for me, as I have been wearing the 4 inch purple heels from the wedding last year and I'm not used to them.

By the way - cruise control on a car is genius. I used mine for the first time tonight. One less thing to worry about. Now, if I could just figure out how to use those mirrors properly, I'd be alright!

Night folks

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