Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Week Finished

So here, as promised yesterday, are my rewards.

The day ended on rather a low, after a distinctly grim "touchy-feely" "lesson" with year 10 and a whole bunch of other teachers.

Apparently the tactic now is to forget teaching them maths (this to a group who have GCSE in 1 year and barely understand the concept of decimal points) and play "getting to know you games" with the kids so they learn to trust me!

*puts head in hands in despair*

Yes, I'll give this job a fair trial. Even though I feel like walking out right now. I'm still deeply cheesed off about missing Elbow on Tuesday, I haven't been able to play my viola all week, I have a permanent headache, and I've spent much of the week listening to screaming swearing teenagers who bang on about "respect" and seem to believe that I have to respect them, whereas they are free to abuse me any way they like. If I swear at them I get disciplined and lose my job, if they swear at me then I'm supposed to be calm and give them some "time out"!

Plus I won't get paid for all this for another 3 weeks, so I'm still living on fresh air, since my benefits have now stopped!

These were my rewards for my efforts when I got home last night.

And now it's the weekend (since I'm typing this on Saturday morning - sorry, the days are a bit confused now) and I'm going to try and forget about the place for 2 days while I fill the washing machine, hang washing, put washing away, make sure I have enough clothes to last me through next week, and try to live something approximating to a normal life.

The wondrous sounds of Brahms 4 are soothing me right now, and I'll also try to do some proper maths later - a bit of group theory will be nice!

Oh, and if I don't blip before the Boat Race, then remember everyone, even if those Tabs have a stronger squad, I want you all cheering for the DARK BLUES! This is the one day of the year when I am FIERCELY OXONIAN and those famous words "Cambridge are sinking" resound through my head! Those who have had the misfortune to be educated at FENS POLY are the ENEMY today! ;-)

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