
By Appreciation

The Sleepover

Day Three of the Echange, me and Scarlet. Quite frankly if we can do this with everything else we are contending with then we deserve a blipping medal.

I had a sleepover last night, I didn't over do the alcohol. My tender delicate complextion would never forgive me. I didn't indulge in fattening, sugary or salty foods, my waistline would never recover, I didn't quite get the sleep I need to stay looking quite so young, my drooping eye bags are gathering at the top of my cheekbones and everything is being pushed down a little. I did wake this morning feeling relatively fresh. Perhaps not so much of a daisy freshness more of a dandelion freshness.

I had promised to take my babes to the shops - girl needs a school bag and has for several months - it's not for the want of trying on my part. My boy wanted chino jeans - I had no idea what those are. After throwing my toys out of the pram and asking my girl if there actually was a bag on the planet which could accommodate her school books (nothing to do with the sleepover honest) we bought one. If I have to take it back she will be returned with it. My boy also has a very charming pair of drop crotch chino jeans. Is that really a sales feature to be coveted - dropped crotch? Both are happy. My boy left us and my girl and I marched on. On a whim we decided to have our eyebrows shaped by the new threading method. Very interesting, a piece of 100% cotton weaved through my torturers fingers and twisted over my eyebrows - that's got to make your eyes water. It appeared a bit like a cat's cradle, and I did wonder if that's what we were doing when she pulled the thread through her mouth before weaving it on the magic fingers. I'm sure that's not so hygenic. It's done now and we both looked hideous afterwards, red marks over our eyes, leakage from almost every oriffice and a slight dazed look from staring at the lights. All in the name of beauty. Now, when can I go to bed?

I've been keen to take this view for a while. The Coolpix captured it well, although the buildings further away are not so sharp. The daffodils add a great burst of colour. I think I will try this again, whilst I am pleased with it, I would like to see the difference between the coolpix version and the DSLR version.and Scarlet

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