All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Lurking behind the sofa

Ethan has 2 main places to play in our house. The conservatory playroom (for warmer days) and behind the sofa for other times! Not that he's confined there of course, but that's where his toys get put, in the area where the bay window is, where no-one can see them. He quite often disappears behind there and plays happily for a while. Today he obviously decided the pirate needed a more noble profession and had him moonlighting as a fireman instead.

Hubbie still not a well man - went to the doctors today and has been signed off for week #3.

As for Ethan, you'd never know how violently sick he was last night! After the projectile vomit, we eventually managed to get him to bed and he slept pretty well all night, with no more sickness. Today, he was happy as could be, as if nothing had happened!

So, I decided it was safe to take him swimming. The class wasn't as good as last week but he still enjoyed it. However, the timing is rubbish when it comes to naps as there isn't really time for him to have one beforehand and it finishes at lunchtime. I went to Asda afterwards and he fell asleep in the pushchair but woke up when I put him back in the car. And I couldn't get him to nap for the rest of the day. So it was a very tired Ethan who went to bed tonight.

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