Patience, persistence...and peanuts, part VI

I have to admit that I have been having great fun inveigling the critters into taking a treat from my little black bag of peanuts. It all started when I was walking down the path in the park, and a chickadee landed on the edge of the bag, ducked his head inside and flew off with a peanut in his beak. Birds, squirrels, deer...they all seem to recognize that the little black bag contains something tasty and not the Nikon lens it was originally designed to hold.

Look closely at today's blip. In addition to the tufted titmouse enjoying the peanuts I poured out of my bag, you will see that it snowed here last night, much to my chagrin. Just when I thought spring was coming...hah! If spring doesn't come to us, we will go to it. Starting tomorrow our granddaughter will be watching Gulliver, and we are heading off for a short visit to some place (hopefully) warmer. I will blip and comment as I can, but I'll probably leave my little black bag of peanuts at home in Ohio.

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