Club 107

By club107

The clouds were just sailing by

Today was a bit of a mess, the positives were sort of there in amongst the negatives. It was a rush to get going, number 2 was not for getting up, eventually she did, it was a rush to get out, inanimate objects were not for doing as they were told, it was a rush to get to work, so we listened to some comedy which frankly made us laugh for a large part of our journey. Not sure why I didn't think of this before.

One of the positives, we measure things in detail in our house, to many they eat to live, I live to eat and I do like the idea of the daughters eating some nice stuff every day. Somehow, it makes me feel warm inside to know that the efforts will be appreciated, so today it was a quickly assembled pasta salad with a mixture of pesto and extra olive oil, green and black olives and some mozarella. Always a pleasure to see an empty tupperware, probably less so to see girls emptying it out in the playground cursing their father, 'damn salad again!'

The weather was kind of crazy today howling gales, driving rain and on our return home, bright sunshine, now there is some justice after all.

and now for late to bed Radio 4 listeners

14° 40mph westerly winds, Cromarty Forth Tyne Dogger ....

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