All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Watching and Waiting

Thursdays are Ethan & Mummy days, so one of my favourite days of the week. As hubbie is still signed off at the moment, I guess today was technically Ethan, Mummy & Daddy day! Hubbie did the early shift this morning so I got a "lie-in" till 8am, when Ethan came crawling through to the spare room to find me. (Hubbie and I have been in seperate rooms for a week now so we don't disturb each other with our constant coughing).

In the morning was Ethan's weekly swimming class. I drove down an hour early today and took a longer route, to try to get him to have a sleep before the class. Luckily it worked and he napped for 1/2 hour in the swimming pool car park - I enjoyed 1/2 hours peace and quiet with a book! Even though I had to wake him up to take him in to the class, he was really cheery and clearly enjoyed the class. We even played "What's the time Mr Wolf" in the pool. I've never played it in a swimming pool before. In fact I don't think I've played it at all since primary school!

After swimming we headed home to find hubbie had made us all lunch. We wolfed it down and then headed back out the door to meet up with Missus B & Lucinda at Almond Valley Heritage Centre. When we arrived, we were walking past the soft play room when the door opened and I heard a voice saying "hello Auntie Sarah". It was my niece Ellen, followed my my sister-in-law Emma! Turns out my other sister-in-law, Sarah, was there too with her wee girl Millie! Funny to bump into them there of all places but unfortunately they were all just leaving so we only had time for a 2 minute catch-up.

We had a great time at the Heritage Centre. It was really busy with school trips when we arrived, but soon quietened down to a nice amount of people. As soon as Ethan saw the trampolines he was clamouring to go on them. He was sitting on them and bouncing up and down within minutes. He also decided he'd rather go on the trampoline beside us even though it was full of older kids doing cartwheels and handstands. Not that it bothered him in the slightest as he just sat and watched them whilst getting bounced up and down by all their moves. I also couldn't get him off the slides today as he couldn't get enough of them either.

When we got home, he decided to impress us further by doing some walking! We'd managed to get him to do a few steps from me to hubbie several times but he then looked like he'd had enough and headed behind the sofa to play with his toys. Two minutes later, out he comes, on his feet, and walks really confidently across the room towards us! I was so proud, I had tears in my eyes. Of course, as soon as I got the camera out though he refused to do it again!

He wolfed down his dinner and a very tired, but happy Ethan was in bed, sound asleep, for 7pm.

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