Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

What the eye doesn't see...

I took a load of photos about an hour ago and thought I'd got a lovely one of the evening sunlight highlighting a cobweb on a branch. I took a few of the same thing and even managed to get the spider too. When I downloaded them I was disappointed with the focus so I went outside for a second go and guess what - the sunlight was no longer shining on this branch - typical! I then went in search of something else and found this little spider. Took a few of this one and another similar spider and went back inside to download them. I was amazed by the detail that the macro has picked up. To my eye he looked like a little green spider but this is much more interesting.

The day has been a typical Sunday - filled with footy! I watched my youngest this morning - his team won 2-0 and he nearly scored his first goal (he plays in defence). My middle son went with his dad and was playing for his old team (who are a year older) as they had lots of players on holiday and had a semi-final to play. They won too and my son scored one and his friend two - both of them are younger than the other players so they did really well.

It's been another gorgeous day and I even caught the sun this morning despite wearing sun cream. I'm hopeful it will continue all week but I think the clouds are coming tomorrow.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and the Easter hols if you're off school 8-)

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