Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Choosing eggs

We (the Haltwhistle long walkers) did a 9+ mile circular from Low Row today. The walk included Hallbankgate, Tindale and the RSPB reserve in Geltsdale. The weather was lovely: it was sunny but there was a light breeze, so the walking temperature was very comfortable.

As we passed through one farm we saw a cupboard with the free range eggs for sale. Here is our leader, J, selecting 6 eggs. The straw in the basket made them look even more inviting.

I'm pretty tired tonight, although it was an easy walk. Tomorrow is another walking day, this time the recce for the Gilsland Historical Walk for the walking festival. I think the bluebells may be out in time for the festival walks, which will be a lovely bonus.

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