
By rogerthedodger

Aftermath of Dinner

It may not be a great picture but the memories are. A couple of friends joined me for a light supper. Say no more.... We ate well and drank too much. The sherry bottle once contained sherry made by Dom Paulino, a delightful old Spanish Benedictine Monk from the monastery at New Norcia. He gave it to me after I had photographed him in 1995 - one of the last dozen he had made and bottled in 1955. When Paulino died last year, aged 99, I opened the bottle with a group of friends as a toast to a wonderful person. Last night, in our decadent revelry we finished it while we sang along to a lot of old music - Don McClean, Jimmy Buffet, Neil Diamond, Rod Stewart, and many many more. The little statue is Joan (as in Sutherland). She sang along with us. Now to clean up the mess and then possibly pursue a career as a vagrant monk, as in The Tales of Chaucer. I had a head start last night.

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